Anyhoo, while blog-skipping yesterday, I came across one written by a soldier over in Iraq. I don't know his name, but he does tell us something about himself: I am the son of a quilter, who also made Halloween costumes for us kids. I am the brother of quilters, who give generously in everything they do. I am the husband of a quilter, who inspires me every day. And, apparently, I am helping to raise a quilter, who happens to be the cutest girl in the world.
His big plan (and after going to his home page, it's working out better than he'd planned)is called Iraqi Bundle of Love. Carefully wrapped inside each bundle is all the fabric, pattern, scissors, thread, yarn, needles, etc. that a person could/would need to do their own quilting project. He's asking for us to share our stashes! And I have to ask, Is there any of us whose stashes' abundance are not spilling out of our drawers?
Sew... today, my goal is to put together a fun bundle. This kind of thing is right up my alley.
Oh, the deadline for these boxes is soon. They HAVE TO BE in the mail by September 7, 2009!!!
Anyhoo, why not go visit this soldier in Iraq, via his blog, and join in the love spreading?
And there you have it! Quilters spreading the love of quilting. It's what we do! :)
"Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another" (1 John 4:11).
just found your sweet blog. Like your honey bee block and so glad that you are enjoying the starch method of applique! It is the only method I teach and use... ever!
Happy Sewing,
That's little fabric sewing kit is GREAT! I can hardly wait to see the how-to.
oo-o-o, I love tutorials, I'm such a visual learner! And, I love sewing grandmas who cultivate our creative hunger, and brown paper patterns that hang around for decades. Thank you for sharing, and have a happy day!
( and I shoulda known you were another Mary E. girl!! )
: } pokey
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