Wednesday, May 27, 2009

A Marathoner is Born!!!!

Had it not happened to me, myself, and I, I would never have believed it! You CAN take an old dog and teach it new tricks!!!! Especially when the Holy Spirit of God is enabling you to do so, as was the case with me and the 24th L. A. Marathon! I finished!!! Crossed the finish line! Finished the race with joy (though it sure did not look like it, since I was as sick as a dog - no pun intended). It was a miracle! Thank You, Jesus!!!! (and Lyn and Alex and Mike and Ken and all who prayed and cheered us!!!!!!!!!!).

With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible!!!! See???

P.S..... The weather was exactly what I asked (see blog below)!!!!!! God is good! :)

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