OK... in a bit, I have a secret to tell. But for right now...
There's Romaine and spinach to be chopped into a salad, so I can eat like a rabbit and refuel for more hopping around the home (and blogs)!

Our garden spot is nothing special, as you can see. It's just plain ol' dirt space, but,oh... the rewards of my husband's labor. He plants, I eat. Now... could there be a better plan than that?!

Now I have to tell you the secret.
This is gonna be like an article in those old
True Confessions magazines that were around when I was a kid (are they still out there?).
Clearing my throat...
Pride, that sneaky rat, crept into my heart when I was editing the above picture. Or, rather, wanting to edit the above picture.
You see that gray on our wall, where our powerful sprinklers are slowly eroding the stucco? And the ratty bamboo sun shield? I didn't want you to see them. It was just too much reality. But what is this besides pride?
I 'fessed up for one big reason --- because as women, we can easily put off being hospitable till our homes are "perfect". Or we won't go to social gatherings (I'm really guilty of this one) because
we aren't "perfect". Now, I hate admitting any of this, but how are you and I going to cheer one another onward if we aren't truthful with one another?
So, let's learn a lesson from the eroding stucco of my west wall -- we are not perfect, life is not perfect, but we can have perfectly lovely fellowship with one another because of our imperfections (knowing we're all alike). And, if you know Jesus, the Perfect Savior, then what more do we need as a reason to gather and have fun and enjoy the days on earth that God has given?
Do not let your imperfections erode fellowship and hospitality from your life!
For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared beforehand that we might walk in them" (Ephesians 2:10)! Let's march onward! :)
Okay, back to eating like a rabbit and gardens and salads...
Dinner tonight is going to be a simple garden salad with chicken and a few of my favorite toppings.
As I type, my chicken is cooking. My favorite spice for this is...

My favorite salad dressing, along the lines of Good Seasons Italian, is this...
First combine all the dry ingredients into a jar (one that has a lid).
1 1/2 Tbsp basil, oregano, onion powder, garlic powder, and salt
3/4 Tbsp dill
3/4 Tbsp rosemary, and paprika
1 Tbsp sugar
1/2 tsp pepper
Dash cayenne pepper
Then, to make the dressing, combine the following:
1 1/2 Tbsp of the above mix with 1/4 cup vinegar (I often use balsamic. Shake.
Add 2 1/2 Tbsp water and 3/4 cup olive oil (or canola). Shake.
Ta-da & yum!

(I have got to learn how to hold the camera STILL!! Blurry pictures, go away!)
This upcoming week I will be posting some comforting autumn recipes, so be sure to hop back often, and bring a friend or two along... The more the merrier!
This is a hint of the quilt I'll be working on while cooking up a storm...No, not a storm, a cool autumn breeze. Yeah, I like that better, don't you? So, pull your hair back and let's get ready to spend some time in the kitchen together! :)