Welcome! Let's play, cook, be inspired, laugh, and find encouragement in everyday life...
Monday, December 24, 2007
Merry Christmas Eve!
Monday, December 17, 2007
The First Christmas Carol
Lately, I've allowed my problems to be magnified, which makes God seem really small. But, nay - He is Almighty. His power is tapped when we pray. And faith causes our mighty God to flex that power on behalf of men. Let that sink in!
Mary was expecting the Son of God to show up, in due time. Let's be expecting the same, in each minute of our lives! Take that trouble, all of the them, each one of them, and expect God to deliver, in due time!!
"My soul magnifies the Lord" (Luke 1:46). Psa 34:3 O magnify the LORD with me, And let usexalt His name together.
Monday, November 26, 2007
Got Joy?
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Watch Those CHOICES!
Anyhoo, this morning I was reading in Genesis 16. I've begun reading through the Bible, and today I came upon Sarai, running madly to Abram with her request for him to go visit Ms. Maid Hagar for a little hoop-la, in hope-la of getting a son. She could've patiently waited for the Lord's promised son to arrive, but nope.... waiting is too hard.
So, for whatever reason, Abraham agreed. Perhaps he was in the mood for some sexual variety, or maybe he was sick of waiting, too. And what the heck, why not get a little hooky-la in the meantime? Not too many men would or could bypass such an incredible offer!
We see that Sarai chose not to wait on the Lord. And likewise, Abram chose not to wait on the Lord (or take the leadership role and encourage/admonish his beautiful wife to hold on to her hat, cuz surely God's promise, though sloooooooooow in coming, would come, nonetheless). And those hasty choices brought on lasting trouble (the Arab nations, Ishmael's descendants, still war with Israel, today).
How often we get ensnared in the waiting room! It's hard to wait. Yet, the consequences of NOT waiting - and taking matters into our own hands - are sure to deliver trouble. For ourselves and others.
So, next time you are in God's waiting room - watch those choices! They'll place blessings or cursings into your arms. Psa 27:14 Wait on the LORD; Be of good courage, And He shall strengthen your heart; Wait, I say, on the LORD!
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Cluck, not suck.
I am in charge of coaching someone in the discipline of not laying around moping (though there's a valid reason to), but instead, of getting up and out to a productive life and day of work. To make it a bit more fun, I sent this devotional to her office. Though silly, it's helpful....
It’s true! All discipline seems to suck
Afterwards, when a diet loss has won
So, one day, you will look back on all this discipline and cluck its praises—the training will have paid off!
Your day’s motto—cluck, not suck. (I know, I know, it’s very clever.)
Suck—Discipline, before the benefiting, joy-generating afterwards.
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Rich in Jesus!
For instance, confidence. I desire to kick my insecurities out of my life forever, but each day, there they are. Could it be that God is letting it hang around for a reason? Perhaps to show me that He is my confidence, even when I haven't an ounce of that sparkling trait?
This particular lack shines its brightest when there's a social gathering. So, on the way to the party, I ask the Lord to get my focus off of me and onto others. I ask for the gift of gab. And guess what? He provides!
What I am learning is that my lack of confidence (or any other deficiency) is a handy tool for the Lord's skill to be displayed. It's amazing what He can do! So, let's let Him use our deficiencys to display His whole array of skill and splendor!
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
You can lead a horse to the water trough.....
And neither can Christians force someone to believe the truth in God's word. We can lead them to the truth, show them how to drink it in and find refreshment, and teach them how the Living Water would cause them to thirst no more, but we can't make them slurp it up in belief.
That is the Holy Spirit's doing. We just lead them to the trough of truth (God's Word), and He hands them the cup, offering them a way to drink it, if they've a mind to.
It's their choice. And it's nice that God lets us choose... just hard when we see that someone chooses to walk away parched. But fear not, as I was reminded twice this week - God's word never goes void "without accomplishing what I desire, and without succeeding in the matter for which I sent it" (Isaiah 55:11).
It's all in God's hands!
Sunday, August 05, 2007

Monday, July 30, 2007
Let Us Pray! :)
Dearest Father, our Almighty God, our Abba, who loves us to the utmost. For you, we offer this day. For every task, fill our hearts with joyful willingness. For every vexing, give us your patience and mercy. For all thoughts, let them be sweet and glorifying. Holy Spirit, check our thoughts today, and make us aware of the idle ones that slip in without our being aware, that are not pleasing to you or uplifting to our well-being. Turn our sighing into choices to sing. We'll need your help with that, for sure, 'cuz you know the pull to pout is ever present. Bring to mind those we can pray for, and along with that, let us know the exact thing to pray for those persons. I know this: praying for others derails our thoughts off our own self and stuff, so we want to be doing lots of that today. Let us serve you in that capacity. Teach us your will and direct our feet into it. This is a new week, a new, clean slate; let us do that which comes to mind, not putting it off or deferring it (as I read in Steams in the Desert today), so that we can lay our head peacefully upon our pillows and sleep soundly through the night, with no regrets, but only with that wonderful, calming sense of accomplishment. Thank You, Lord. In Jesus' powerful name. Amen. xo
Monday, July 16, 2007
To Be or Not To Be
Not having many unfavorable traits, I had to really think about what I would like changed in Mike. Then, an unusual word - one that is not normally in my vocabulary - came to mind --- reticent.
Of the four definitions I found on dictionary.com (I love this site, 'cuz if I spell the word wrong, which I did, it gives suggestions), one hit the bullseye:
not volunteering more than necessary
It was eye-opening for me, and also gave me wisdom how to pray, without any judgemental or angry feelings . I'm excited to see the Lord answer this one.
Now.... perhaps it's time to ask another question: What character trait could be changed in MY life???? :) Happy changes to you!
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Fuel up Your Prayer LIfe
Get alone with God and just start talking! :) Talk about your lack of zest, your loneliness, your marriage, your kids, the things in government that frustrate and scare you, terrorism, our soldiers in Iraq, that neighbor that irks you, the trial that seems so endless, the joy that seems depleted, the fears that are robbing your faith, the friend who doesn't know Jesus as Savior and Friend, and whatever else is on your mind. Talk about the goodness of God that you appreciate, His many benefits, that we don't ever want to forget, and also, talk about strongholds and sins that you need deliverance from. (Deliverance by man is in vain - Psalm 60:11-, so, of course, we will need to talk to our Deliverer about these.)
Eze 22:30 And I sought for a man among them, that should build up the wall, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it; but I found none.
Let's be the ones that will stand in the gap, so God can destroy the enemies of the souls of men!
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Merrily, Merrily Through the Snow
Sometimes, our problems and circumstances are so long and deep that walking through them is just like pushing through that soft, deep snow. Trudging, one step at a time. Will frostbite set in? Will your legs hold out? Will you ever reach your destination, where a warm fire awaits to relieve and revive you?
God has given us a safe assurance that the answer to all of the above is a resounding 'yes'! Isa 43:2 "When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; And through the rivers, they will not overflow you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be scorched, Nor will the flame burn you. For I am the LORD your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior..."
And that's why we can go merrily, merrily through the snow - no matter how packed it is!
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Ooops, I alway do this
Popcorn Christianity
However, let's not stop with those, because it doesn't end there. Oh, no! The good news is that when we become aware of our sins and failings, we just march our little selves right up to our jumbo God and ask for mercy and help. Now, I hadn't thought of this till I was just now typing, because, well, I was living by my feelings! Yep, I was weighed down with feelings of failings. (Does that make any sense?) But... smile, smile, smile... not anymore.
Nope, the burden has been lifted by our strong God. The blood of Jesus washes all scarlet sins white as snow, His power is perfected in our weaknesses (the more we have, the more His power is on display), and He makes our feet like hinds' feet, causing us to finally be able to flit right past our feelings onto the Rock of our faith - Jesus!
So, as you can see - even our failings and feelings can give way to faith, when we remember the truth in our Bibles!
Monday, April 16, 2007
Up and Running Again!
Anyhoo, want to hear something interesting? Well, I was reading through one of my 2001 journals, and I had some of the same pleas then that I do now. One of them - "Restore to me the joy of my salvation." You know what conclusion I came to when I read that? - I need faith!
See, faith overrules feelings. Could it be that all these days I've been basing my joy on how I feel, and not on what I believe is real in my life -- that my name is written in the Lamb's book of life, that thanks to Jesus dying on the cross and rising again, I am accepted in the Beloved, called a child of God, brought from darkness into His brilliant shining light, and have lavished grace upon me, day by day?
So, there's just one more reason why journaling is beneficial - it does help your walk! Hey, had I not seen the same ol' questions and prayers repeated, I might've been a broken record in 2007, too!
But now, I can sing a new song and give thanks and praise to God! And who knows what interesting things I'll be able to tell you when I look back in this year's journal in 2008!
Monday, February 19, 2007
Here I Am!!
Now that spring is making an appearance, I've gotten back on my bicycle. I rode 8-9 miles on the bike trail on Saturday. Remember how sunny and warm it was (unlike today)? It was awesome. In the River Walk Park lake were miniature sailboats. I am assuming they were remote controlled. How I wished I would have had my camera with me, because it would have made a beautiful and fun picture for my sister's newsletter. Mabye they'll be out there on the next sunny and warm Saturday.
Let's see, what have I been up to since my last entry, which was two months ago??? Hmmm.... I finished my second quilt for the Quilts of Valor. My last one went to a male Marine, but this one will go to a gal soldier, since that's what the Lord told me. For some reason, I like making them for the men and I fought the Lord on making this one for a woman. However, the Lord always has the last say, and when the quilt turned out very feminine-looking, I flew the white flag. I should have it back from the longarmer (the gal who quilts it on a huge machine) tomorrow and then it will be on its way to cheer some wounded soldierette.
Well, I need to quit typing here and continue on with my Old Testament kings research. Talk to you tomorrow (or whenever lol). xo