Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Something To Smile About

There are many reasons I have to smile this summer..

  1. Sunshine, right on my happy face
  2. Veggie garden that is producing like a rabbit
  3.  Juicy clown-nose-colored tomatoes
  4. Vintage bike to ride, with basket
  5. Swimming pool to dive in after bike ride
  6. BBQs & BBQ sauce & corn-on-cob
  7. Friends & Bloggerinas!
  8. Diet Squirt with a slice of a baby lime, right off my tree
  9. So many other things.
  10. What has made you smile this summer???


Barbara said...

Amen...I am smiling too, we have seen 3 children saved this week at VBS, what a blessing to be part of such an active week, and teaching them about Jesus and his love for him.

an encourager said...

Barbara, that is the coolest thing on the planet!!!! Thanks for sharing that with me. The angels in heaven have rejoiced three times over!!!! Yay!

joeysgirl said...

That is the cutest smile I have EVER seen and I love it!!!! I am smiling too just looking at your pic! Summer really is a gift from God! I have loved my summer bible study, camping with my grandgirl Ella, playing with my daughter before she moved to Utah, swimming, exercising at the gym, hanging out with friends ( you!), spending time with my fav cuz, cleaning my house, and not going to work!

joeysgirl said...

this is the best smile EVER!!! Your pic is making my smile across my face! Summer is a gift from God and I have loved this one. First time not working this summer in 18 years and it has been a blast. back to work yesterday but I am soooo ready for next summer off!