Monday, April 26, 2010

Somewhere in Time....

Sometimes it's just nice to travel back somewhere in time... 

I found this to be a noteworthy quotation under the above video:
"This little sparrow and her beautiful voice just fills my heart and soul with joy....
Such a little woman, vulnerable... and still so strong...
Edith Piaf was a remarkable, amazing woman."
Since a portion of Proverbs 31:27 greeted me upon awakening, I thought how very
fitting the song, that comment, and Edith were! 
~ She looks well over the ways of her household ~

Darling little Edith made me smile as I listened to her beautiful song,
but that smile of hers, 
which seemed to emanate from deep within and float out with her music,
reminded me that one of the ways of looking well to the ways of our household is also taking care of our countenance - which means, our heart - 
the residence of joy in the Lord, contentment, and thankfulness.

Sour attitudes and discontentment can settle upon us as surely as dust lands on our furniture.
We do not allow dust to remain (unless we've chosen idleness); nor should we ignore anything
that covers the gleam of joy in our hearts.

Years ago, I learned that one of the ways to a man's heart is a happy wife
(well, and a fine cooked meal and a peaceful respite from the world's din).
We wives have such power to bless! I don't know about you, but I caught the joy contagion
and became happy as a lark just watching Edith's face.
Happiness is like that.
Can you imagine, then, how a husband would get through his 8- 12-hour workday 
and rush home to a happy, smiling wife?!

Not only that, but in a happy wife's smile, beaming at her beloved when he arrives safely home,
he sees hope, assurance, acceptance, and a heart that is happy with him!
Our smiles are like attaboys -  "You are the best husband!"
The beautiful wife greeting her husband with a sincere smile just might fill his heart and soul with joy.

Anyhoo, in the YouTube comment that writer mentioned Edith's vulnerability and strength. 
The Proverbs 31 woman has both... 
We may not be fully courageous or strong, but we trust the Lord to help us to daily be so.

Listen to what we read about that virtuous woman - 
* She does 
*She seeks
*She is
*She brings
*She rises
*She considers
*She girds
*She perceives
*She stretches
*She extends (uh... pretty sure this isn't talking about girth)
*She reaches
*She is not afraid
*She makes
*She opens

That woman is active in her pursuit of serving God, husband, family, others!!!
No wonder she has strength!
She is not sitting around gorging herself on the bread of idleness, 
but is working out those muscles of virtue!
She "does not eat the bread of idleness."
Wikipedia says that Édith Piaf was "universally regarded as France's greatest popular singer. Her singing reflected her life.."
This morning, travel back somewhere in time to the ancient paths of Proverbs 31,
and by the grace of God and the power of His Holy Spirit
may her character be reflected in our lives.
Amen and Yahoo!


Scuba Wife Life said...

love this! Thanks Auntie!! :)

Mona said...

Hi. You're post today was like it was written with me in mind. I woke up down in the dumps due to financial circumstances in our life right now. We have made many changes, but will be making even bigger ones now. Your blog post reminded me of how important it is to have a grateful heart for all the blessings I do have and how important my attitude is to my family, especially my husband right now. Thank you, Mona

an encourager said...

Hi MJ,

You are not alone! Last week I revamped our budget, too, and last night my husband and I went over it and looked at ways we can cut back. We are gonna have to get creative! About a month ago I began clipping coupons again, and it has helped a lot, though very time consuming. Praying for us both and for God to give us wisdom and ideas. He will! He is Provider! Nothing is too difficult for Him! Liz