Saturday, March 11, 2006

Good Morning!

Miss me???? Until Emily taught me a new trick for this site (you can actually get comments sent to your e-mail! Here's how she said to do it: Go to your dashboard and click settings, then comments, then scroll down and enter your e-mail address) I had forgotten all about it! But here I am, and I will explain my absence this week...

To begin with, hormones are making my brain spin like Fred Flinstones feet when he's revving up to go in the car (remember?). Add to that a multitude of to-do's - and, a new PUPPY, well, life is just chaotic. But, today is supposed to rain, and I hope it gets grey and just pours, so I can pour over my stack of unread magazines! If it's nice outside, Mike will be panting to get out and go. :(

Now, the puppy.... Mika (pronounced meeka) is work! Lots and lots of it; just like having a newborn. So, that's my reason for not blogging. There's only so much brain space left in this 49-year-old braino - and she's taking it all! :)


Scuba Wife Life said...

awww! You got a puppy!! What does she look like? WHat type of puppy is she? I love you!

Lift Up Your Hearts said...

Congratulations on your new puppers!